

#1 driving down the road on a summer night with the windows rolled down and the music up loud. 

#2 taking off your heals

#3 when he smiles at you for no apparent reason

#4 licking all the icing off of a cupcake before eating it.

#5 when your tongue turns blue from a lollipop

#6 when he wins you something at the fair

#7 when you stop texting someone because they said "k" or "yeah"

#8 feeding your veggis to the dogs

#9 feeling pretty

#10 trying on dress after dress just for fun

#11 when your song comes on the radio

#12 painting your nails

#13 wearing a new shirt

#14 opening a jar of pickles and feeling super strong

#15 singing in the shower

#16 a text from him

#17 counting the petals on a flower just so you land on "he loves me" instead of "he loves me not"

#18 taking pictures with your friends

#19 taking your hair out of a ponytail

#20 when someone makes you smile while you're crying

#21 talking in a British accent

#22 talking to a stranger in a foreign accent

#23 flirting with guys you'll never see again

#24 walking barefoot

#25 just a tee shirt:)

#26 eating like a pig 

#27 the tears on your cheeks at the end of a chick flick

#28 hiding under your blankets and biting your pillow during a scary movie

#29 roller coasters

#30 when you hear the "click" on the Drop Zone

#31 drawing hearts on your hand

#32 eating ice cream when you're sad

#33 closing your eyes on the swing

#34 swatting flies, and being like "Oh yeah die fly" and then after they're dead "now i feel kind of bad, i mean, what if it had a family?"

#35 that one boy,

#36 mhmm; those moments

#37 that day you want to replay over and over.

#38 play dough

#39 blonde moments. Even when you aren't blonde.

#40 when you get like two hundred bucks for your birthday and you feel rich

#41 when your socks never match

#42 losing the remote

#43 texting in class

#44 jumping on the couch

#45 making some one else tie your shoe

#46 your hoodie(:

#47 looking at old pictures

#48 when you post your status as "tonight was amazing(:" 

#49 Facebook.

#50 Laughing at your own joke.

#51 Smiling randomly about something that happened a while ago.

#52 crossing your eyes

#53 acting high, when you're crazy tired

#54 fighting your friends for food

#55 feeling girly

#56 talking to someone you haven't talked to in ages

#57 realizing how much you love your family

#58 when you meet someone with a totally long and hilarious last name and you try not to laugh

#59 laughing behind your hand

#60 listening to a song that totally describes the moment.

#61 trying to find relation to someone in a show

#62 smiley faces:) 

#63 winky faces(;

#64 dotting your "i's" with a heart

#65 talking in your sleep

#66 getting out of your chores

#67 those stupid red lines when you spell something wrong

#68 making music videos for fun(;

#69 singing the abc's at awkward moments.

#70 yelling "Run Forrest Run!"

#71 the amazing word "amazing"

#72 getting what you want

#73 being told your pretty by a random stranger

#74 long eye lashes

#75 trying on the ugliest shoes you have ever seen, just for fun(:

#76 trick or treating 

#77 feeling smart

#78 dancing in the rain

#79 guys in cowboy boots

#80 blowing out the candles on your birthday

#81 staying up til 11:11 just because..,

#82 falling asleep on the couch.

#83 being the last one asleep

#84 being the last one awake

#85 feeling like a flipping princess

#86 that one friend, that is the best.

#87 when counting sheep doesn't work

#88 that annoying music that keeps replaying. omg, someone make it stop.

#89 taking a walk all by yourself, just to think and listen to your music

#90 puppy dog face

#91 cherry popsicles 

#92 riding your bike without a helmet

#93 drinking juice from the carton and feeling so bad ass

#94 staying up until like 2:00 in the morning and laughing because it's not night,

#95 when you pull an all nighter and then no one believes you. 

#96 jumping into the pool in the middle of the night

#97 sneezing really loud when the room is all quiet

#98 breaking an awkward silence with a random noise

#99 talking to your pets

#100 smiling because you can:)